Are you conjuring up plans to bring a conure into your home? Playful, curious conures can certainly make life interesting! Conures are considered the comedians of the parrot world. Many conure owners have observed their birds dancing back and forth or mimicking the movements of humans. These witty, charismatic birds are experts at drawing-in laughter from their human companions!
You may notice that conures can vary quite a bit in size as you research this specific variety of parrot. Conures can range in size from about 10 inches to 20 inches. They are easily identifiable by their long tail feathers and distinctive eye-rings. These beauties are native to South America. Wild conures can often be found in savannas, forests and palm groves throughout Brazil, Guyana, Paraguay, Venezuela, Argentina, and Chile. This means that they are used to eating varied, rich diets full of natural berries and roughage. We'll talk more about adopting a pet conure's diet to satisfy some of those natural eating and foraging instincts you're going to observe. Seeing one conure does not mean you've seen them all! There are about 100 different species that fall under the conure umbrella. Here's a list of some of the popular varieties that you may encounter as you search for a conure to call your own: